Please email librarian your book requests
Please email librarian all book request

Ebooks and Audiobooks  

a month ago


We have new titles!

school Log in: Churchill County Middle School
username: ccms1
password: ccms1
Once you have logged into Mackinvia, go to the top right corner on the toolbar and click login, then register, to make your own personal account.


Sign in with your school email address!

Click sign in using Churchill County School District, click on your school email. Once you have logged in,  please be sure click on the menu bar on the top right and click add library to add the link to the public library's collection. Type in Churchill County Library or click on Nevada Library Cooperative, who have partnered with our school district to provide this generous collection! Thank you Churchill County Library and Nevada Library Cooperative!


Select "Login with Capstone Interactive"
username: ccms
password: ccms

Loyal Books

Loyal Books is a free access catalog of classic ebooks and audiobooks from Project Gutenberg and Librivox. They have an extensive collection, from Little Women and Gulliver's Travels to Star Trek!

Open Library

The Open Library -read ebooks in the public domain or browse a growing ebook lending library of over 200,000 titles.

Open Culture

Free cultural and educational media on the web, featuring thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, e-textbooks, movies, business courses, and more.
Meet Our Librarian!
CCMS Library Student direction for using the Library outside of class

Churchill County Middle School School just went remote? No problem, we learn in and out of the classroom. What do I do for library materials? and What is my learning schedule for the day? Classes will meet online during regularly scheduled AM or PM session

This is a great time to reach your school librarian. You can email by clicking on her name. How do I search for a book? Click on the online card catalog researcher box to browse our collection of library materials or log into one of our e-book and audio book resources. Directions are available under each link. How do I check out library books? Students can make an appointment to check out a physical book in the library by emailing our librarian Mrs. Fiedler at OR we have a variety of ebook/Audiobook collections immediately available for students of CCMS. Will you have curbside service? Yes, in the event that we go remote students may request books by emailing the librarian and books can then be scheduled to pick up curbside. Where will I return books? A book return box will be available outside of the school upon the event of remote learning.

What if I have a problem with my Chromebook?